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Join us at one of our upcoming webinars or virtual conferences, or learn about the organizations we are affiliated with.

SEBSA Conference

Atlanta, Georgia Atlanta, United States

The Southeastern Biological Safety Association (SEBSA) is a not-for-profit, multi-disciplinary professional organization founded in 1999 for the purpose of promoting the principles of biological safety.  SEBSA is a regional affiliate of the American Biological Safety Association (ABSA).  While the associations have mutual goals, SEBSA membership does not require ABSA membership.

CSHEMA Annual Conference

The Westin Seattle 1900 5th Avenue, Seattle, WA, United States

Join CampusOptics for the CSHEMA National Conference in Seattle!

NAOSMM Annual Conference

Richmond Marriott 500 East Broad Street, Richmond, TX, United States

Promoting the professional development of members that support and manage scientific laboratories in educational research and community settings.

Organization Affiliations

CampusOptics is proud to support the following organizations that help safety professionals enhance campus safety culture!

APPA is the gathering place for educational facilities professionals, dedicated to the ongoing evolution of the profession.
CSHEMA is the only organization focused entirely on serving EHS professionals in higher education.
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